New Toy

Monday, January 19, 2009
So for CI this week we started on the History of Photography, which I do have to admit, I am finding really interesting. So our mini assignment was to go to an antique shop and take a picture of an antique camera and write down its information. I went to the Johnson Terminal and I have to say I've always wanted a box medium format camera and so I was looking around and I found the cutest little Lindar camera and fell in love with it, so I bought it haha.. I still have yet to shoot a roll in it, but I am super excited to!!

Everything so far works on it, so hopefully I'll have that luck when I'm shooting my first roll =)



AmandaO at: January 19, 2009 at 4:36 PM said...

Awe! Sweet camera! It's so...boxy! It's cool that everything seems to be in working MUST do some shooting with it, then post the results!!!