Christmas Break..

Monday, January 5, 2009
Started off with being possibly two of the worst weeks I have had in a VERY long time. Everyone in my class knows I was sick and we all thought it was the comon cold but I decided I should probably go to the doctor to see what was wrong with me for sure (although I had already seen two) and I then found out I had walking pneumonia... wonderful. Bedridden with the most painful chest coughs and headachs EVER! So I missed out on the first two weeks of being able to complete any kind of assignments. Luckly, the Christmas eve I was feeling a bit better and got myself out of bed for Christmas. So with almost two weeks down and nothing started I was rushing to finsh anything I could, not to say I'm completely dissapointed but I mean, I know I could have done much better. Still not feeling the greatest, but slowly getting better. And I did the best I could..

Here's my Linear Narrativee :

New Years Eve.

and a few from my Self Assigned Assignment:

Santa Portraits.
