Neglect, Regret and Uncertainties...

Monday, March 2, 2009 4 comments
AHHH... yeah that's a bit better.. just a little..

this is a venntt:

neglect and regret = not enough me time, not enough shooting time, not enough them time, not enough him time... really not enough time all together.

uncertainties = basicallyyy like in complete honesty, why am i doing this??
i love it yes,
its what i want to do yes,
its been my dream for years yes,
my passion yes,
m trrrying to put everything i have into it...
but it's gotten to the point that i'm not feeling like i am improving at all anymore and i am wasting everybody elses time who've been super kind to me all because i just don't have the time to get myself out there... im loosing steam very fast..
either i'm sick, working, too tired, sick or too cold, working to keep myself in school, not feeling well, did i mention sick??
nothing seems to be going my way at all lately, it seems everything and everyone is working against me.. i just don't feel cut out for it..
my body hates me this year and it's draining me past the point of return.. i've lost basically all
my confidence..

creativity needs a MAJOR boost..

errr help?
