Long Time No Blog

Saturday, November 29, 2008 1 comments
So it's been a while since I've blogged so I figured I'd make an update with a few self portraits. Hard stuff to do being as self concious as Iam about everything about me, but I pulled myself together and with some help from a few loved ones I came up with something up to my standards anyway!

It's all a question of identity

while holding onto the past

and trying to look forward to the future

being uncertain of who Iam.
The truth comes out.

Working with light

Monday, November 3, 2008 1 comments
Besides fighting off a cold this weekend and the crazzyness of Halloween, the working with light assignment for Industry Studies was alot of fun. I've found a new love for simple photography something I thought I had trouble with before! The light coming from my window seemed just perfect for taking these pictures!

So something tells me simple photographs will be seen quite a bit in my work for the next little while!!
-T xo